Monday, August 15, 2005

I cannot get excited about rivers.

All right, listen. I'm not some kind of crazy anti-water jerk, here, but I have a problem.

I can't get pumped about old H2O.

It's just not happening.

For some reason, the Berry Scholars Program requires every member to participate in a five-day seminar about watersheds, rivers, water resources, and wasting time. The wasting time part seems pretty important to them.

I'm not going to bitch and moan, though. I'm just going to say I cannot fucking wait for the school year.

Jesus Christ I can't wait.

Tomorrow is the first of two days of canoeing. At least I have Anne as my canoe partner.

Hope she loves treading water in the Great Miami, wondering how I flipped a canoe in the first four seconds of being in it.

These days I've been watching old Upright Citizens Brigade seasons. That's a show that was on Comedy Central a few years ago, and, like all good shows, was quickly cancelled. It's really funny and I'll bet you'll hear more about it in the near future.

Okay time for river watershed resources wastewater runoff aquifer stewardship bullshit.



Anonymous said...

Hi Steve. I don't want you to think no one cares.

Fuck water.


Anonymous said...

Hey steve, I wish I could agree with Jon, but sad to say, I am madly in love with you. I want to read everything that comes from those sweet sweet fingers of yours.

love always

michael blocksidge

Anonymous said...

But water IS cool! And you didn't flip us, so thanks.
