Saturday, February 23, 2008

You could be my black Kate Moss tonight

When Beard tells you to update more, you don't question that shit. You do it.

I found this awesome video.

Might need to play it again.

Uhhh buhhh I don't know. I got Medieval 2 Total War, it's pretty fun. I'm writing a paper about the movie Sling Blade, which in my book is a good excuse to end every sentence with "Mmhmm" in a very unsettling manner.

I applied to teach next semester. Did I mention that? WHO CARES IF I DID! I would be teaching one intro to English section. I am excited about it. I'm gonna brainwash some freshman minds.

Oh shit I just remembered something! Google Maps has been updated a lot. Santiago, Chile is now a map, not just a shitty satellite photo. You can see where I lived!

View Larger Map

Right there, on Ana Maria Carrera between Rosa O'Higgins and Jorge VI. If you zoom in one more level you can see better, but no street labels. I think my house was on the northern side of Ana Maria Carrera, one house off the intersection with Rosa O'Higgins. This is exciting.

I tried to find our school, but it was too mixed-in with the rest of the city--it doesn't look like a campus at all. I found some familiar street names, but didn't recognize any buildings.


All right somebody comment on this video.


Joe said...

These videos are some serious bullshit.

Steve said...

Uhhh take it up with i guess

just go type " please" into your address bar

Anonymous said...


do you think hills ever has sexual fantasies about b-rack? also, which present/former candidate has the 2nd worst comb-over (after rudy)? ???

-wonderin' in wichita

Anonymous said...


this is embed-worthy:

you're welcome

(tony, the language may be nsfw)

Anonymous said...


Guess what show has a new episode out? I'll give you a hint.

Boosh...and/or Kakow!