Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Oh crap! A song by 65daysofstatic that I like!

That's worth blogging about!

Tony recommended 65daysofstatic a long time ago, and I think I have two of their albums. It's instrumental, kind of metal, definitely not jam band music or anything like that. A little bit of math rock. I thought it was too jerky and arrhythmic. But eventually Winamp on shuffle led me to "This Cat is a Landmine," a song as good as its title. I'd recommend it on free.napster.com if you have the time. Although I'm not even sure it's on there. It's a good song. Thanks, Tony!

Also, I think "That's worth blogging about!" will be my new catchphrase. If only...I talked to other people...




Anonymous said...

good music for fragging.

Steve: I will also update you on Paul/my plans for a "humor" website. Details to come.

Steve said...

you know what. don't bother. thanks but no thanks. not interested.

Anonymous said...

fair enough.

forums >>> group blog though. we shall see.

Anonymous said...

How are you possibly going to compete with Something Awful for Steve's affection, Tony? You won't.

Anonymous said...

not competing with SA, competing with POS cowboy blog. Because blogs are a shitty communication mechanism for multiple people.

Case in point: this conversation.

Steve said...

if you gonna set up a forum that rules. i'm not gonna. too busy. not nerdy enough. too...cool?