What should I do? I have been beating myself up about this. Now I'm starting to get depressed. -- LONELY IN NEW ORLEANS
DEAR LONELY: You came to the right place. I am a world-recognized expert on making friends. And depression.
Here's the facts: depression is a natural, healthy thing. Don't fight it. Here's what you could do: make a list of everything that gets you down, and put it somewhere where you'll see it often--tape it to a mirror or set it as your desktop. That way, you'll stay grounded, and you know you'll remain honest with yourself. Make sure you top the list with "I don't have enough friends."
now, nobody takes interest in you? There are many possible reasons for this. You might be horribly plain, in which case your best bet is to go goth. Nothing gets attention faster.
Then there's the chance you have a physical deformity, or you smell, or your personality is horribly offensive. Or a combination of these. I have met several of these people and have in fact lived with them. I can tell you that an affinity for anime and a willingness to play Magic: the Gathering will get you far among your kind. Just please don't procreate.
Would it be acceptable for me to wear the same dress to his second wedding as I wore to his first? I love the dress and it still fits. It was very expensive and has been worn only once. What do you think? -- JUST WONDERING
DEAR JUST WONDERING: A larger wedding ceremony the second time around? Tacky. Don't go. Bitch.
Today's Dear
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