Thursday, March 09, 2006

Yes, I am still terrible at posting regularly.

Hello again friends,

Sorry I've been lazy. Here's what's happening:

I am currently copying my notes onto a take-home test. I mean, I'm literally spitting the words right back to Dr. Dan Miller.

It's an interesting class, and I feel like I learn a lot, but this test isn't measuring that at all. It's measuring class attendance as much as anything else.

I got a response to my reparations article. It's located here. Think what you want of it. I'm offended that he called my article a "letter to the editor." I'm on the staff, FUCKBAG!

No, really, his arguments are not great, in my opinion. Particularly the early paragraph that begins "Now compound that argument...". That paragraph is a shame to reasoning.

Still, it's nice to get something besides certified anencephalitic Karl Gustavson ranting in the opinion pages.

What should my next article be about? I'm leaning toward the national TV news channels' tendency to report "shit stories"--see Neil Entwistle, Natalee Holloway, Jennifer "The Runaway Bride" Wilbanks, and many, many others. We get CNN, CNN Headline News, and Fox News here at UD, channels 6, 5, and 4. I swear, at one point all three were reporting on the same CAR CHASE in ATLANTA that DID FUCKING NOTHING!!!!

Dear God! Isn't there an expert on, I don't know, ANYTHING that you guys could be interviewing right now?!?!?! I'd rather hear you talk for hours about relations between India and Pakistan, or Israel and Palestine, or Lebanon and Syria, or fucking South Africa and Never Never Land rather than some idiot bullshit that just doesn't matter outside of that family or town.

Please, keep it to the local news. It's ridiculous. Johnzo (John Gueltzow, my neighbor and the managing editor of Flyer News) says he saw a Daily Show episode in which they reported that Fox News covered Neil Entwistle for TWELVE HOURS in a 24-hour span.

For those who don't recall: Neil Entwistle is that guy who doesn't fucking matter.

So I think that's my next article. Any other suggestions?

Anyway, tomorrow starts spring break. Back to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. See some of you there.




Anonymous said...

that title is correct

Tom said...

Considering that Never Never Land is an intangible place, I think it's a bit unlikely that any credible news organization would have an easy time finding a knowledgeable expert.

All the best,

P.S. Stop flooding the server!!