Friday, June 23, 2006

Goodbye, Chile. Hello, hot as hell.

I'm not going to try to summarize Santiago. Sorry. I can tell you I improved my Spanish, and it helped convince me that I should maybe live outside the U.S. I think. Who fucking knows. Anyway it was awesome and I wish I could go again.

When I got home Joe surprised me by showing up. Boy's finally got a job in Chicago. It was cool to see him for about one day. Tuesday I came in, Thursday I left. Thanks, world.

Now I'm in Dayton for about six weeks, tutoring for STEP. That's Summer Transition Enrollment Program, the students who can get into UD if they pass two classes during the summer. I don't have a great idea what to expect, but it should be pretty good. Good summer job, especially considering the Santiago trip limited my time to earn money this summer.

What am I obsessed with lately? Good question. Separation Sunday, the second album from The Hold Steady. I'm predicting a review soon. It's just really good, even though he does not once say "Hold steady!"

I think that's all for now. I might have some other things to put up in the near future, but the first thing to do is buy a mouse. I'm not dealing with this touchpad shit.

I'm not sure I can deal with this Founders Hall during the summer shit either, but I don't see any other options.

More, better, posting tomorrow. For now, enjoy the regret index courtesy of



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