Friday, January 06, 2006


Okay here we are. Second semester.

Which, by the way, is:

SOC 343 Mass Communication and Modern Society MWF 10-10:50
SCI 240 Some immense title that means "Biology" MWF 1-1:50
ENG 480 Tutoring class W 3-3:50
ENG 476 Composition Theory TTh 4:30-5:45
ENG 4something something Thesis Whenever I want

What I'm trying to say is, it's really really easy.

The letter to Vonnegut's editor is finished. This weekend I'm going to print it, then mail it Monday or Tuesday. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

So: Christmas break. It was average. I got a cell phone. Shut up.

My brother, my dad, and I--along with about nine other guys from high school--went up to Detroit to see Akron U lose to Memphis in the Motor City Bowl. Then we went to Windsor, Ontario, and played Texas Hold'em in Casino Windsor. We all lost quick, but it was pretty fun.

I got kind of tired of this "attack on Christmas" bull shit. First, it's not "illegal" to say it, as a painfully bad editorial in the Flyer News seemed to suggest. It's slowly being phased out at retailers and other semi-public private places. This is absolutely natural. After all, in America, we only have one God, but it $ure isn't Yahweh. So conservatives: settle down. You're still getting your way constantly. If someone doesn't wish you Merry Christmas, it's just because they're serving the only God they ¢an.

In somewhat related, hilarious news, look at this wonderful CNN article. It makes me giggle. If the Catholic Church--and, by extension, I guess every religion--is kicked out of Italy, then I don't know what. I guess that would make conservatives right about the whole "Old Europe" thing. Sort of makes "Happy Holidays" look like "Praise Jesus."

Okay that's all the time I have. I have a Flyer News article to write.

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