Wednesday, October 12, 2005

God Bless America. Seriously, God. Do it. Now.

And here are the final results of my little query.

what's the most american phrase you can think of? any cliches you can think of that just sound american?

In no particular order:

stotes0001: git r dun.
IDoNtLiKeYou1064: united we stand
ACrecelius3: we're the shit
EngelsJK: America! Fuck yeah!
EngelsJK: That's hot!
EngelsJK: Not on my watch.
tellum27: "Fire at will"
Freems489: Would you like fries with that?"
it makes me realize how lucky we really are" - jason
PsychChristina: "what's up"
sbujayhawk: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."
imazwan: "beacon of freedom"
RConnair: He who dies with the most toys wins.
DeltaKnightOne: "That's a shame."
DeltaKnightOne: "I think I read this somewhere..."
DeltaKnightOne: "Sucks to be you."
DeltaKnightOne: from Sten: "It's the thought that counts."
and me: looking out for number one.

Those are funny.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

or, "finders keepers"

Anonymous said...

Did ya get that thing I sent ya?

Steve said...

Hahahahahahaha "Did ya get that thing I sent ya?" just might be the finest phrase in existence.

For those who don't know, it's from the wonderful cartoon Harvey Birdman. It is the only phrase the hippo character says. He wears a hard hat, I believe.

Did ya get that...thing...I sent ya?

HAHAHAHAHAHA that thing I sent ya....