Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hahaha their name is bad but they rock hard.

Okay I made a little discovery today that is awesome.

First I was reading a thread on Something Awful's forums that challenged people to make new, fake KidzBop albums. And somebody pointed out a couple of entirely inappropriate songs that actually were KidzBop songs, "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley and "Float On" by Modest Mouse. I would link to the videos on YouTube but fuck that, you find it if you want to.

These videos led me to find a live version of "Go Go Gadget Gospel," also by Gnarls Barkley, which is a song I love. Then I found the music video of the song, also on YouTube. This video, man. This video is less than three minutes, and it rocks pretty hard. Honestly, these guys tear it up. If I ever made a music video, I would want it to be like this. Well, this or "Seize the Day" by Avenged Sevenfold. It's a toss-up.

All right, things are great. I have a hilarious project due in Writing in New Media called an altered book, which is basically taking a book and destroying it and imposing a secondary meaning. I will put up pictures maybe later on.




Kat said...

I have a friend who used to enjoy "Float On" but who, after our brief morbid obsession with Kidz Bop a few years ago, can no longer hear that song without invisible children singing "Yeah!" in his head.

Steve said...

FUUUUCK the "Yeah!" was just mind-blowing. As if it makes up for the half-depressive pessimistic lyrics. I choked when I heard that shit.