Monday, January 28, 2008

More thoughts on food

Specifically, the results of eating food. Here is what I mean: I went to Wing Stop last night and bought these things called chicken wings. They were pretty good, I would say, and I liked eating them. When I finished, I washed my hands, because that's what you do when you eat chicken wings. They all greasy. But even after I washed my hands I could still smell those damn chicken wings. I even washed them two or three times, and the smell persisted like some Macbethian nightmare. Eventually the horror ended, I think when I took a shower the next morning (this morning), but let's just say the story doesn't end there. Oh, no. There were leftovers. So right now my hands smell like chicken wings again. I might resort to extreme solutions (use of hand lotion clearly designed for the ladies, to cover the smell). I think this will define my night.

I'd love to comment about current events but you know what I'm not gonna. They just aren't very interesting. About the only thing that I've been following--vaguely--is the race for the nominations, and I'm thinking all of the Republicans are really dumb.

An update on bus rides: much less smelly. Today I took the bus a longer distance than usual and nobody smelled at all. I even stayed awake!!! Except for the last two blocks or so. I always crash then, you know, right when I need to be awake. Didn't miss my stop, though.

Tomorrow I start work, but I don't have any appointments. No surprise for the beginning of the semester. Sitting around!



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