Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Turns out a schedule with three classes is as hard as you make it.

Sweet sassy molassy I've been busy.

And I'm going to be busy for a while longer.

Here's the story: this semester I wanted to get involved in Studio Theatre, the student-run theater group on campus. Their shows are always fun and cool to go see, and I did some stuff in high school, so why not?

So first I signed up for UD Monologues, a series of monologues written by UD students, faculty and alumni about women's issues on campus. In essence, it was created because The Vagina Monologues, which is perenially performed during Women's Week, is not welcome on campus this year.

While I think that's fucking dumb, I won't get into it now. It's being performed off-campus by an almost all-student cast, including the fabulous (yes, that's FAAA-bu-lous!!!) Teresa Arisco and a bunch of other less interesting people. It's this weekend, and maybe next weekend. I really don't know.

Anyway, I signed up for the UD Monologues, which means I need to write two monologues by the February 24-26 show dates. As of now, I'd say I've written about 1 2/3 monologues, and I'm pretty happy with them. They're both personal stories, really. One is about the cafeteria worker who I wrote about in Flyer News, and the other is about going to see The Vagina Monologues last year with Teresa's mom.

That one's funny. Hopefully.

Then Alyssa Wagner conned me into joining Monologue Night, a totally separate show put on by Studio Theatre. For this one, there's no need to write your own monologue, so I'm doing an adapted (read: painfully shortened) version of "After I Was Thrown in the River and Before I Drowned" by Dave Eggers (see post below). I love the story so much, it hurt me to cut out about 2/3 of it to make it short enough to perform.

But I still love it a lot.

I haven't quite memorized it but it's coming along pretty well. And it fucking better, since that show is February 10 and 11.

THIRD, I auditioned for "Full Circle," a collection of humorous student-written sketches notorious for its very brief preparation time. Auditions were Monday night, January 30, and the show is February 17 and 18.

I'm supposed to submit at least three sketches. Fuck fuck fuck.

To review:

Feb. 10-11: Monologue Night - "After I Was Thrown..."
Feb. 17-18: Full Circle - a bunch of sketches
Feb. 24-26: UD Monologues - two of my own monologues

I am dumb.

On the Vonnegut front: no news. And no news is bad news. I haven't received any reply yet. I'm afraid that, since the envelope had the Scholars office return address, they might get the answer. But then they'd just call or e-mail me anyway.

Oh well. I'll call or mail another letter in a few weeks if I don't hear anything.

Any other news?

Thank God, no.

Please comment and respond to this: should I post the things I write...the sketches and monologues and everything...on the blog? Or do you not care?




Anonymous said...

Steve, I've read that Dave Eggers piece. And it's good.


I think you should instead write a monologue about the importance of 'heart' while balling. As you read, Beard, dressed in tanktop and headband, should slowly appear on an image behind you. (a image via a silkscreen, or something).

As you continue to read full throttle, yelling out things like 'Two HANDS BEARD', and 'BOX OUT', beard should run out from behind the screen, in the flesh, looking like a badass.


Matt Shore said...