Monday, June 02, 2008

I'm back in Denver.

The two-week vacation is over. Saw Brad's wedding, saw Joe, saw DaYtOn CrEw!!!!, it was fun. Now? Heh.

I don't have a job for this summer. I might not get one. I'm leaning very much toward not getting one. Teresa and I are moving this July and I will be organizing and packing shit. Plus if I find somewhere that's close to this apartment, it won't be very close to that one. And I don't have a car. And, lastly, I like the idea of not working? So Fuck! You! Establishment!

Denver is hot but it feels nice. I have to unpack and shit...and I'll totally do that tomorrow...but I wanna go outside and wander around a little bit. Tomorrow I'll go walk in the park! No wait it's hot. But I will consider it.

I wanna write another story soon, but I'm not feeling it right now. Joe's birthday must be documented. And I will not do that. I'll fictionalize the hell out of it, but whatev.

For now, I will just share a new favorite website with ya'll. Seeqpod lets you search for a song and listen to mp3s on the Internet! Who knows if it's legal. You can stream mp3s and even search YouTube videos! But don't. YouTube is awful.




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