Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Man, why you even got to do a thing?

I have to break in and put the bizarre popularity of Zteve on hold for just a minute here. There's something not important to tell you.

Achewood is really funny. Matt showed me this website a few years ago, but I was way too ignorant to notice its brilliance. Now, to make up for it, I'll pimp it to you, dear readers.

The basic cast is Philippe, Ray, Roast Beef (also here, here, and here with Ray), Cornelius, Pat (as described by Roast Beef), Nice Pete (please read the following few strips, too), Lie Bot (with Todd), Todd, Teodor, and Lyle. Then there are a few others as well.

Please, please start at the beginning, as I did, and just start reading. The characters are absolutely hilarious. If you get bored, try jumping to my favorite character, Roast Beef, in his exploits. His first, "Beef on Moon" in the "Jump to a Story Arc" menu, is really funny. He is so damn depressing.

I predict Tom Hanlon will love these comic strips. I predict most of you will think they're not very funny, and I challenge you to put a real effort into reading them. They are about ten times funnier than any strip printed in the newspaper.

Okay, enjoy that. Zteve will triumphantly return to answer your questions when he ACTUALLY GETS SOME GOOD QUESTIONS.

No, really, expect that post within a couple days.



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