Friday, February 15, 2008

Hasta manana! *cuts u w/ katana*

Been a while since I rapped atcha, hasn't it? Teresa's mom visited us and then my computer kind of died, so shut up about it.

Mikey bought an acoustic guitar. Noice. He's gonna be the next...uhh...probably the next Frank Sinatra or something.

I want to write reviews of the last two candidates (Clinton and McCain), and of course write a Ron Paul retrospective so we can look back on the ups and downs of his fine campa--...what? Still running? What a fuckup.

But I'm lazy, so I'll do it later. Let's talk about other shit instead.

First up: the Steelers are suckin' the league's dick. Check it: owner Dan Rooney falls in line with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and claims the Patriots videotaping the Steelers did not contribute to the Steelers' AFC title game losses in 2001 and 2004. Way to suck up.

More about the Pats: a former Rams player is suing over cheating in the Rams-Pats Super Bowl in 2002. He wants $100 million. He wins! I call it!

Also: Jason sent me a message! Here it is:
hey steve,

apparently bush is coming to tanzania, pretty cool huh? anyway things are ok here, lots of teaching. Hot much going on really though and not enough time on the internet. Oh how I miss the internet! Glad things are going well there,


I think it might have been sent by an automated service??? He just typed in "tanzania," "bush," maybe his name. What a dick.

Okay somebody read these comments and summarize:

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