Saturday, February 02, 2008

Look at this comic strip.

It was in the Onion this week. I have read Wondermark before and I don't remember if I liked it or what, but this one is funny.

Here's the strip. I want those applications.

Speaking of funny stuff, please read this article on SomethingAwful. It came out the morning after the final Democratic debate (the only Obama vs. Hillary debate) and I think it's hilarious. READ IT HERE

Okay later.


Anonymous said...

TY for wasting 2 min of my life Steve. The bunny video was neither funny or disturbing. I know Teresa probably put you up to it, but sheesh--have some priciples and or I'm going to revert to making whip crack noises. Because thats about as clever as I can get.

Imbedded videos should be a held to a higher standard. I can't be using my screw-around time at work watching this bunny crap. I am sure the other two readers agree whole heartedly.

Comic was pretty good though.

Also: what are your thoughts on an Obama/Hillary ticket?

Anonymous said...

Notice the improper use of "neither nor." I hope that got you riled.

Steve said...

Anonymous said...

Did I mention how much I hate you for this Steve?

Anonymous said...

if the bunny breaks a leg they turn in into glue too?